Friday, July 16, 2010

Fairytale Chateau, Fireworks and a weekend of hunting for treasures to look forward to....

Hi, Wednesday 14th, as you may now, was Bastille Day here in France and a public holiday.  The photo above is a little village across the border in the Dordogne about 10mins drive from us, it has the most gorgeous and enormous chateau a real fairytale castle.  Every 14th July a brocante/vide grenier is held in front of the chateau as you can see and also behind where I'm standing is a grassy area with trees which is full of stalls and lots of eager buyers.  We had a great morning, and I'll share my goodies with you next week, they're in the wash at the moment.  
In the evening we went to the Plan d'eau (lake) in town where they put on the most wonderful fireworks display.  It usually starts around 11pm and lasts about 1/2 an hour and they have a muscical theme, it is all very professional.  I can't tell you how stunning they were and the photos really don't do them justice.   It's a great social evening as hundreds of people go and sit on the grass with pic-nics and drink and settle down to enjoy themselves.  As we wander around we bump into friends and stop for a chat and a drink.

When the fireworks finish, there is live music and dancing if you wish to stay but we made our weary way home.
In this photo you can just see the viaduct in the background behind the fireworks and the lake in front of the people.

I hope you have a great weekend, I'm off to prepare new potatoes as we have some friends coming for a BBQ this evening, it won't be a late night though, we all have to be up early in the morning to go to the vide grenier.  Here's hoping there will be lots of lovely goodies to be found.

Take care.

1 comment:

  1. What a great life you have in France and isn't that chateau fantastic?
    Look forward to seeing your new purchases....
    Julie x


Many thanks for dropping by and taking the time to leave a comment. Nickyx